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Emner: North

  1. #826
    Jul 2006

    Re: North

    Ja det peger det vist imod... Så kan man håbe, at de med det re-brand også får et nyt cs hold sammen. Man kan ikke re-brande en stor lort.
    never had the makings of a varsity athlete
    cleansation's Avatar

  2. #827
    Jul 2006

    Re: North

    De skulle have en tid med Tv2 imorgen kl. 12.20 høre jeg på vandrørene. Derudover skulle der være noget med et LoL hold også, det er dog et lidt mere løst rygte.

    Så en lukning er højst usandsynligt.
    "Copenhagen have one of the best homefans in europe, and there hooligans was crazy when we were in copenhagen. When they got a throw in, the fans got mental, when they won a tackle it sound like a goal was scored, great team great fans."
    - En imponeret fan fra Grækenland.
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  3. #828
    Aug 2013

    Re: North

    Citat Oprindeligt indsendt af Fissan Se meddelelser
    De skulle have en tid med Tv2 imorgen kl. 12.20 høre jeg på vandrørene. Derudover skulle der være noget med et LoL hold også, det er dog et lidt mere løst rygte.

    Så en lukning er højst usandsynligt.
    Jeg håber at det er sandt at de har fået en ny partner som så skyder nogle flere penge ind i det og at de så rebrander på grund af det. Det vil da være for nederen hvis de lukker det hele ned bare fordi der er gået Brøndby i det. Jeg er også begyndt at se LoL, så håber at de udvider med et hold der også. Det vil være for fedt med et dansk hold.

    Er der ellers andre som har hørt rygter eller har insider viden om hvad det er?

  4. #829
    Aug 2003

    Re: North

    Et LoL hold vil i hvert fald bringe min interesse lidt ind i det, så det håber jeg på sker.

  5. #830
    Slush er offline Sun Lolly er det bedste!.
    Dec 2003

    Re: North

  6. #831
    Oct 2003

    Re: North

    Citat Oprindeligt indsendt af Slush Se meddelelser
    Ja de får jo en fin start med et ualmindeligt grimt logo, som mest af alt ligner et vildsvin. Flot...

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  8. #832
    Jul 2006

    Re: North

    Ligner en blanding mellem er vildsvin og en tribal tattoo haha. Men hvis de havde annonceret noget i forhold til ændringer på deres hold, ville jeg nemt kunne tilvgive. Men efter alt det her, får vi kun et grimt redesign og en ny kontrakt til Kjærbye. Meh.
    never had the makings of a varsity athlete
    cleansation's Avatar

  9. #833
    Jul 2006

    Re: North


    Just twenty-four hours later and the unveiling has taken place. The word “underwhelming” might be the first you reach for but that would be strangely flattering given how bad it actually is. Just give me a moment.


    Perhaps it’s part of a genius plan. The management came down and said “right lads, you’re playing like shit so you’re stuck with this logo until we get some results” and with each podium finish the dragon will level up and eventually get to a point where people can look at it without being doubled up with laughter. If that is the case we’ll be staring at Toothy McToothface for a long fucking time.

    It’s not just the logo. I am utterly perplexed at the whole strategy. Talking directly to you now North, yes, you’ve massively overspent for failure and in a territory dominated by the best team in the world. That’s a bitter pill to swallow, especially for the big investors behind the brand. Yet what does deleting three years of tweets and social media output achieve? Do you guys not know how hard it is to accumulate and retain history and credibility? You just wiped yours out with the press of a button because you think all your failings will disappear along with it. That’s the actions of someone going through a bad break up, not the actions of people that really understand the esports landscape.

    In addition to that, weren’t we promised big announcements? Let’s break that down: Your marquee talent announcement is that you re-signed a player, Markus “Kjaerbye” Kjærbye, that you already had. Okay. Well, that’s exciting. You realize that, for your fans, a much more tantalizing announcement would be that you had dropped Jakob "JUGi" Hansen. That’s not even to shit on the guy (too much) but that’s just to put it into perspective. Your team is busted and constantly falling short of expectations. Your fans want change, not “good news guys we kept our best remaining player.”

    Throwing in you’ve got a performance coach really tells its own story, doesn’t it? The hidden message here is “we know we’ve been bad and we’re going to try and see if this guy can hypnotise the players into being better.” Meanwhile, a future hall-of-famer in-game leader that you used to work with, Mathias "MSL" Lauridsen, is sat twiddling his thumbs, despite his iteration of the team being the one that won you a trophy over Astralis. Get your kneepads dusted off and get crawling back to him. That’s step one. That’s an announcement that might have got fans perked up.

    So overall what a let down this was. An erasure of a history that had only just begun, an announcement that trumpets about how not much is going to change and that logo. Let me tell you that this is worse than the “#stoptoxicity” campaign you launched last January in a bid for attention, and the reception that received was for your fans to spam “#stoplosing” in return. Maybe that’s why you were so eager to delete the past. There’s some pretty cringe-worthy stuff in there.

    The great David St. Hubbins said “It's such a fine line between stupid and clever.” North has a way to go before it can even see that line.
    never had the makings of a varsity athlete
    cleansation's Avatar

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  11. #834
    Jun 2011

    Re: North

    Så er projektet gået full circle. Jugi er ude, og MSL er tilbage. Gad vide, om de smider ham på AWP'en og gør ham IGL igen. Jugi blev aldrig en succes, og så vender man bunken. Konfig bliver nok næste tilføjelse i stedet for Gade.

  12. #835
    Jan 2002

    Re: North

    Det svarer lidt til at FCK henter Toutouh hjem igen, hvis de henter konfig ind efter han intet har præsteret siden han forlod North. Det lyder fuldstændigt som noget de godt kunne finde på, så jeg tror på den.

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  14. #836
    Jan 2008

    Re: North

    Jeg synes faktisk det er fornuftigt så længe de beholder Gade som IGL - han gør det ret godt imo. Jeg troede faktisk North ville hente Refrezh ind, da han er rigtig god og spiller på alt for lavt niveau. North måtte gerne skifte CajunB ud nu hvor de er igang.

  15. #837
    Jul 2006

    Re: North

    Er rimelig lunken overfor konfig. Så hellere Refrezh ind eller endda Niko igen. De burde begge være til at få. Drømmen ville være stavn eller blamef, men det tror jeg ikke meget på kommer til at ske.

    Citat Oprindeligt indsendt af Bigtimebowler Se meddelelser
    Jeg synes faktisk det er fornuftigt så længe de beholder Gade som IGL - han gør det ret godt imo. Jeg troede faktisk North ville hente Refrezh ind, da han er rigtig god og spiller på alt for lavt niveau. North måtte gerne skifte CajunB ud nu hvor de er igang.

    De beholder 100% ikke gade som igl, det vil jeg gerne garantere dig. Det er msl som skal styre holdet.
    never had the makings of a varsity athlete
    cleansation's Avatar

  16. #838
    Nov 2004

    Re: North

    Det bliver helt klart MSL der overtager rollen som IGL. Det kan man også læse ud af deres tweets. Forhåbentlig kan Gade bruge nogle af erfaringerne som IGL til at forbedre sin gamesense.
    I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?
    Willie Nelson
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  17. #839
    Jul 2006

    Re: North

    Peter Ankersen streamer en del CS for tiden. Ganske sjovt at se hvor seriøst han faktisk tager det (liner smokes op på alle maps, giver god info osv)
    never had the makings of a varsity athlete
    cleansation's Avatar

  18. De følgende 2 brugere er enige:

  19. #840
    Jul 2006

    Re: North

    Han steamer igen 20:30 I aften med selveste karrigan. Så kan han da blive boosted ud af lvl 5 kan man håbe haha.

    Kan klart anbefales. Han snakker både meget om cs og og fodbold, svarer på mere eller mindre alle spørgsmål, lige fra hvordan det er at bo i Italien for tiden, til hvem af ham og Santin der har den flotteste mundkusse.
    Sidst redigeret af cleansation : 25.04.20 kl. 22:47
    never had the makings of a varsity athlete
    cleansation's Avatar

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